A Formal Apology to Cam Sexton

Cam, I have a confession to make. I don’t remember exactly what I said about you in your redshirt freshman year, but I am sure much of it was quite, to put it mildly, unflattering.

For this, Mr. Sexton, I offer my most sincere apologies. You have more than made up for the memories of 2006, most of which I now realize was not your fault, with your performance on Saturday afternoon. 148 passing yards and two touchdowns in the fourth quarter speak for themselves, and you never turned the ball over. In particular, those two touchdown passes were absolutely clutch.

i understand that this is just one game. Clearly, however, you have made great strides in your development during these two years. I now have great confidence in your abilities while T.J. Yates is absent.

Again, thank you for your performance against Miami, and I look forward to watching you lead the Carolina offense against Connecticut next week.